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Thursday, September 8, 2011


Schedule Changes
EHT- 3:30pm classes will return starting Thursday 9/8.

Williamstown-3:30 classes
Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Sign-Up NOW for Fight Gone Bad 6!!
Register below at your corresponding gym and for more details.
FGB is a global fundraiser for The Wounded Warrior Project. We do this 'Fight Gone Bad' workout to honor our Fallen/Wounded/Current Veterans.
Participate for a great cause!
Last year we had over 50 participants. Let's crush that number this year. Bring friends, family members, neighbors, etc to experience our AMAZING Community - either to workout or just watch.

Burpee Challenge
Day 43

5 Rounds
Deadlift 3-5 @ 20X0
Rest 10 sec
60 sec Handstand Hold
Rest 3 min 
Sit Ups - Anchored

5 Rounds
Deadlift 3-5 @ 20X0
Rest 10 sec
60 Sec AMRAP Handstand Push Ups
Rest 3 min 
Double Unders
Sit Ups - Anchored
(Last completed 3/8/11)

Post loads, time and thoughts to comments.

When  you're given a range of reps (ie 3-5), start with a weight that challenges you to hit the high # (5) and increase the weight each set to get the low #(3).  If you end up with a rep total lower than 3, (2) before the end of the five rounds, keep the weight and try and get 2 again.


K-Swat said...

Yeah Dan. So proud of u. Congrats.

SERT 11 said...

Going to buy in on the burpee challenge on Sat, only have 1035

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

Annie: 8:30 @ rx'd

SheriWalsh said...

FB: 1.) 135lbsx5, 7 HSPU
2.) 155lbsx5, 8 HSPU
3.) 165lbsx3, 9 HSPU
4.) 170lbsx3, 6 HSPU
5.) 185lbsx1, 9 HSPU

*used 3 ab mats. This was my second time doing hspu.

Annie: 8:07 RX. Still working on those DUs but flew through the situps.

Cash out: bar dips and dead hang pull ups

Doug said...

Annie rx- 5:50 All du unbroken!

Loggin it for reference...


15 hspu before I fell off.

Plan is to get back to 6:30AM TOMORROW!

Doug said...

Screwed that one up pretty good. Ha

Nikki O said...

E... oh yuck! Have fun with that!!

So, I walked in tonight thinking I had to do "Annie" after each round of DL/HS! Wow! 5 rounds of Annie plus heavy deads! Duh! Hey, at least I was willing to go at it! LOL!

Deads with handstands. Did a solid 60+ seconds of HS each round unbroken.

265x2 just couldn't get #3

Ok onto Annie! 13:37
Did 25 D/U per rounds with 50-40-30-20-10 situps. No surprise...the DU killed me. I actually thought they clicked a bit in warm up but maybe not! I continue to hold my arms waaaaaay out to the side and jump to my chest! Well, at least I am building some cardio! LOL!

Ca$hout: 43 burpees

Great job 4:30...fun trying to find weight to throw on the bars! Great job Justin keeping us on time. So pushy! :)

Justin O said...

Good time in EHT at 4:30, the big size of the group kept things interesting!

1: 225 (5) 20 HSPU
2: 265 (5) 23 HSPU
3: 295 (5) 23 HSPU
4: 315 (5) 19 HSPU
5: 335 (3) 16 HSPU

Annie: 5:27

Hope to see you tomorrow AM Doug

Jax said...

Sooo....got a little confused w the hspu's. I didn't realize it was a minute. Thought we had to do them unbroken. Luckily kristi thought the same thing so I didn't feel so bad!
135 (5) 10 hspu's
155 (5) 9 hspu's
165 (5) 10 hspu's
175 (5) 10 hspu's
195 (2) 9 hspu's
Annie: 6:38 which was 38 seconds slower than last time.
Used bands for the hspu. Blue and purple and red harness. Justin told me they looked too easy, so I guess next time I should scale differently.

After the wod, I worked on muscle ups. Still not there yet. Then, I did some dead hang pull ups. Did a set of 5 unbroken for the first time of strict dead hangs. Then a few sets of 4. New goal: 10 dead hangs unbroken. :)

Nice work 4:30!! Quite a crowd today!