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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pushing views is the root of conformity...

Heavy Bench Press
2 Sets of Max Reps of BW
2 min rest between sets
(Last completed 2/5/10)

"Tabata Jones - ADV"
8 Rds 20 sec on/10 sec off
Deadlift 135/95lbs
KB Swings 1.5/1 pood
Sit Ups - unanchored
Box Jumps 20"

"Tabata Jones"
8 Rds 20 sec on/10 sec off
Hang Power Cleans 115/75lbs
KB Swings 1.5/1 pood
Sit Ups - unanchored
Box Jumps 24"
(Last completed 2/5/10)

Post thoughts, total reps, and tabata scores to comments.


lummox5o said...

Hey Joey, a sick 2 year old derailed my plans this morning, but could you email me the WOD?


Thanks, see you later this week.

Anonymous said...

Lift: 95lbs. 16,12.
WOD: total 31. high hang 5, kb 9, situps 10, box jumps 7. Great Job everyone! See you Thursday!

PaddyMcD said...

Lift: 115, 10, 12, body weight here I come, LOL...
WOD: RX'd, 5-7-8-6, 26 total, great job 9:30 & welcome J, good meeting' ya, see yas in the am....

Nikki O said...

Slow blog day...

SOOO excited to have a WOD that I could do unaltered!

Skipped the lift.

ADV: rx'd w/ 24" box
14 DL, 11 KB, 9 SU, 5 BJ = 39 / 322

All felt great except BJ, bummed that it dropped to 5. Had a MAJOR upper ab cramp that I tried my best to jump thru!

Have to say again how nice it was to RX a WOD! Can't wait til the arm is better and I get to beat myself up every WOD! :)

Jax said...

I did a slightly altered version of the FB WOD today. Had to sub out a couple of things due to the condition of my hands....

I subbed med ball cleans 20 lb. for the hang cleans and GHD raises for the kb's.
med ball - 6
GHD raise - 10
sit ups - 12
box jumps - 7
35 / 298

Looking forward to another wednesday workout this week! See you guys tomorrow! Awesome job 3:30 and 4:30 :)

Justin O said...

Been awhile since I've done a Tabata. They are always brutal which is why I love them!

Lift rx'd 155Lb 20 & 12

FB rx'd* 39

*Form was crap on pretty much everything so my score is crap too. None the less, it was a great workout!

Anonymous said...

Lift Rx'd 150: 20 & 14

FB Rx'd: 39/318. The first set of KBs were miserable. Nice crowd at 3:30.

Nick, don't pay attention to Big Tom -- the music was spot on.

kelli g. said...

LIFT: 85/8 85/9 uhm not even close to RX'd...

PC: 7 (60)
KB: 10 (81)
SU: 10 (85)
BJ: 3 (26)(yes this number is tragic!)
Total:30 (252)

I can't help think how much higher this number would have been if I could manage to get through the 24" box jumps with out an anxiety attack...

Great job 5:30! Congrats Krista for moving up to the RX'd KB!!

Doug said...

Loved getting to the box today!
Dynamic group warm-ups are the best.

Bench @ 165

Wod- 42

Awesome efforts today!

Steve M said...

hands were torn up today, really hurt my kb's which were miserable


krista said...

Thanks Kelli! Those KB's killed me -- theres only room for improvement!!
Great Job everyone!!

JP said...

Lift: 12/8 @ 160lbs

FB WOD: Total 32