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Monday, May 9, 2011

Perfect is a point of view...

"Daniel - ADV"
*30 min time cap*
5 Rds
15 Pull Ups
400m Run
15 Thrusters 75/55lbs

*30 min time cap*
50 Pull Ups
400m Run
21 Thrusters 95/65lbs
800m Run
21 Thrusters 95/65lbs
400m Run
50 Pull Ups

Post time and thoughts to comments.


Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...


With heavy hearts we dedicate this workout to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th. To Daniel's family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss as the true cost of freedom. Fair Winds, Daniel.

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Last week at W-Town a few of us were wondering who D.T. was, so I thought it would be nice to post something about who the hero workout is for.

Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

WOD (FB) - 17:37 @ rx'd

Anonymous said...

Well said Dan...thanks for sharing:)
WOD: rx'd 26 something...I think. I just wanted to finish before 30 min. Those pullups were a bear at the end. Great workout today!! Way to get it everyone!! See ya tomorrow!

kyle said...

WOD FB 20:44 RX'D. Thanks for sharing that Dan, the memory of Daniel Crabtree is the most important part. I definitely wont forget how you tore my hands up on pull up #70.

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Thanks for posting about "Daniel." I hope everyone has also learned about the recent tribute to "Murph."


Great doing Monday "lunch" with Rob. Thanks for a fun workout, Justin!

WOD: FB RX'd 20:16 being outside was the best part!

Doug said...

18:56 fb rx.
guestimated run at school.

priya said...

FB WOD (scaled to 25 pullups each time and 55 pound thrusters) 24:36 not the proudest of moments

fran said...

Good Hero Wod for a Monday Morning-Thanks for great coaching Justin!
Rx'd: 22:21
Good times posted by all....Justin & Kevin...you guys are so fast, unbelievable! Fun to watch.
Mary-your runs are really good...not sure why you tease about your ability...you kept a fine pace! Good job on the thrusters too-they looked strong!
9:30, 4:30, & 5:30 classes: All of you made it look effortless. Way to go!
See everyone tomorrow!

Incident said...

maybe I could just change my name from Incident to Fran since I post so much under that name!

Anonymous said...


Justin - another sick effort. I don't know if anyone is buying the "boy, I suck at thrusters" bit anymore. Excellent effort by everyone, particularly the peanut gallery. Steve - pull ups looked great; your hands, not so much.

Justin O said...

this was just what the Dr. ordered after a weekend of to many pints.

FB Rx'd: 13:44

thanks for the push Kevin & great job as usual!

Mary B-hof said...

i know it's going to be rough when the thrusters are the part i'm actually looking forward to.
fb: rx'd the weight but did 25 pull ups each time (no band). 23:45. a part of me is disappointed in my time, the other part of me is so relieved i actually finished it.
bambi-dude you got me through those runs and your encouragement was needed-thank you!
430 and 530 classes....awesome work. justin-wow! keve-great job. everyone did great! thanks everyone for the support. love this community!!

Jax said...

Pull up number 70....gets me EVERY time!!

Did the FB rx'd in 25:08. Had to go singles on most of the final pull ups due to the bloody mess on my hands.

Paul, Steve, and Kevin - Great working out with you guys today! Left me a bit in the dust. Kevin, I really appreciate the encouragment at the end. It really helped me get through that last round of pull ups.

Thanks for the support today everyone! Could've used some of it when I finally got up the nerve to wash my hands!! See you guys tomorrow! :)

Mary B-hof said...

That should say great job Kevin not keve....I'm obviously going to go ahead and blame that on auto correct.

Breeze said...

Great effort today by everyone.

Kevin and Justin amazing time you guys are super fast.

Justin and Bambi great coaching today, thanks for the warm up!
FB Rx'd 21:38 Pull ups slowed me down . was hoping for under 20 but maybe next time.
Dan thanks for posting the backround on our "HERO"
Jackie and Steve great work today, I think we are all feeling the same pain as we washed our hands

kelli g. said...

Thanks for the reminder Dan...

WOD: 23:03 scaled to 25 pullups, I'm still ripped up and hurting from last week and really need to save my hands, going to my job with open sores is not a good idea..
Maria P. awesome work hope your hands recover quick!

Cashout: Chido burrito with Justin and Dan!

PS Happy Belated birthday Tony Rizzo!!

Steve M said...

washing hands never felt so bad...
opened up pretty bad right around 70, just like Jax, that number gets me every time

great cheering section for this wod and inspiring efforts by everyone.

don't know why I'm still awake
