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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Keep your gaze forward and look back for nothing....

Back Squat w/ Banded Weight
5-5-5 @ 3211

"Interval Amusement"
15 Min
5 Rds
1 Min AMRAP Squats
30 sec Rest 
1 Min AMMAP Row
30 sec Rest

"Squat Snatch - On the Minute"
15 Minutes - On the Minute Every Minute Complete 1 Squat Snatch.
You may keep, lower or raise weight as you see fit.  Keep track of your misses and loads.  Every attempt counts as your rep for that minute.

Post total reps for each, loads for lift and FB WOD and thoughts to comments.

We will be adding a 3:30pm session on Wednesday's starting next week 5/18/11.


Chris "Digger" or "Diggs" said...

Lift: 95 w/ 1 pood, 135 w/ 1 pood, 135 w/ 1.5 pood

WOD (FB): 95 lbs (1-3), 115 lbs (4-6), 125 lbs (7-11 ... missed on 8), 135 lbs (12-15 ... missed on 12 & 13)

lummox5o said...

Packed house on Wtown at 0930 today! Myself and Bill tucked into our corner and did

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Overhead squat, 5 reps
10 Toes to bar
40 pound dumbbell Hang squat clean, 15 reps
20 Double-unders

Of course we rounded up on the dumbbells to 45s since there were no 40s. Thank goodness I did not eat much before this one or I would have been asking Nick for a mop.

It felt like a long 26 mins, but I am now better prepared for the end of the world next weekend.

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Open Gym today...

WODs from the Mainland PBA/OTG Challenge...good sweat!

WOD #1 3:03
Rested 5 min
WOD #2 11:43
Total time: 14:46

Thanks for the stop watch help Kristi and Shane. And, for the push from everybody doing today's WOD.

Kristi, have a fantastic time on your trip. When you get to Valley, don't forget to come back! ;) Hope you get to see the beasts! Gonna miss you, buddy!

PaddyMcD said...

Lift: 95w/(2)10's, 95w/(2)10's, 95w/(3)10's
WOD:FB, 75 Lbs, same for 15 Reps.....
good job this am Nick, see yas t'morrow....

K-Swat said...

Jimmy, I'm still mad at you. haha. I did Daniel today, blah. 18 something. My hand opened up with five pull ups left. Agh. Had a blast though.

See ya all in June. Gonna miss you guys:)

kelli g. said...

Kristi!! have FUN!!! say hi to the Valley ladies for me!

Lift: 65/26kb's 85/26kb's 105/26kb's
WOD 1:
Started: 65
Finished: 95 got it after 1 fail
Attempted 100 twice, close but still not there...
WOD 2:
From crossfit.com 5/10/11
5 c2b (did COB)
10 wall ball (14#)
15 KB's (1.5pd)
cut this fro a 20 min amrap to 15.
Would have done more but was also wrangling my child at the same time.

Fantastic Work tonight 5:30 and 6:30! Mark great coaching! Toney thanks for the snatch pointers, I'm sure they will make a difference. Kasey and Krista, way to beast those back squats!

...sorry for the novel..

PB and JACKED said...

Took a shot at GI Jane tonight but had to jump the high bar and went for chest to bar. I got put to bed.

100 burpee/pullups- 18:40

It felt real good hearing Kevin call time when I was on rep 65...

We then jumped in for some banded squats and worked up to 95 w/2pood on the sides.

priya said...

Lift: 65 - 85 - 95
Did advanced today:
don't really remember the numbers but they were something like 180ish sqauts and 1100+meters

Mary B-hof said...

lift: 65/(2) 10's, 65/25, 85/25...using the red band.
wod: start 55, end 75
felt like i had room weight wise in both lift and wod but really focused on form today....felt pretty good today!

thanks mark!
nice job 430 and 530. see you guys tomorrow!

Kristi--have fun! safe travels...look forward to your updates on fb!

Steve M said...


Wod: started at 95lb and worked up to 165lb, didn't quite stick it like I would have hoped but it was a legit rep so I will take it