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Saturday, April 9, 2011

High maintenance beggar...

- Mobility Work -

"2011 Sectional WOD #3 - ADV(2)"
5 Rds
15 Jumping Squats
15 V-Ups
15 Burpees

"2011 Sectional WOD #3"
Squat Clean 165/110lbs
Jerk 165 /110lbs

Post rounds and thoughts to comments.


lummox5o said...

Wtown, my apologies for the hasty exit, but I did make it home in time for my wife to make it to her dance class!

Anyway, thank you of the push this morning.....my tank was on empty and Joey and Bill kept pressing the gas pedal (pick up that bar)....as they should have. Also Bill is my boy, but I could not let him beat me on a strength movement.

Theresa, I know you were nervous (should not have been), but how did it go? Did I miss any f-bombs?

I am glad that WOD is over, 165 lbs never seemed so heavy.

Hannah said...

5 Rds Rx PR! Soo souped!! :)

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

Congrats, Hannah! Awesome job!

This was on the main site today and thought I'd share:

"One shouldn't be afraid to lose; this is sport. One day you win; another day you lose. Of course, everyone wants to be the best. This is normal. This is what sport is about. This is why I love it." - Oksana Baiul

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mary B-hof said...

Yeah Hannah!!!!!

lummox5o said...

I see there is an event in EHT for the NJ Chapter of COPS. What is the plan for this?

Anonymous said...

WOD: 7rd +1...was hoping to get more but I just could not get under the bar.
Lali, Amanda, and Jen...you girls completely amaze and inspire me!! Sonny, I knew you would get it...so happy for you!!Hannah, that's awesome!
And Dennis, way to kill it today...I don't remember what came out of my mouth, I do recall dropping the F bomb a couple times because I was so frustrated!!I guess it wouldn't be me if I didn't..lol!
Nick, thanks for the pep talk. Made me look at this experience in a whole different way:)
Michelle, your post on the blog couldn't have come at a better time...thanks for posting that, really needed it today:)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

STR8 SALLY said...

Glad 11.3 is in the record books..
Awesome job Hannah..

12 rounds..

lummox5o said...


Think about how much work that is, two tough movements and a lot of weight. I think your score is tremendous. You wouldn't be you if you were not your biggest critic, isn't that how all of us operate?

Thanks for not letting me down on the F-Bomb! I wish I could have seen the angry face to go along with it.

Doug said...

Games 3 wod in the books!

Managed 27 rounds today!

Thanks Bambi and Leanna for the push. And congrats Leanna!!!! Exciting stuff!!

Hannah, you're strong!

Also, crazy how I can't even graze my legs without pain. I've never had this immediate soreness before. Insane!

K-Swat said...

Great job today everyone wish I could of seen everyone kick some butt. After doing that wod yesterday and a law enforcement challenge today, my body is angry. The good news is, I only tripped a few times on the run, fell of my bike twice and didn't fall in the water on the canoe portion. So I'm still alive. haha. See ya all next week.

Nipur said...


8 rounds + 1

I really enjoy these 3 minute workouts. I say 3 because I don't think I got much accomplished in the last two minutes.

Thanks again Bambi for judging and cheering me on. I think people are beginning to talk.

If you get a chance, you have to watch Tony R. workout, not only does he destroy each workout, but he makes the best faces and comments during his workouts. Hannah on the other hand just does the Irish Jig in between rounds. To each there own, but they were made for each other.

Doug, what is there to say, you need to find something more challenging than Crossift because you make it seem so easy.

Congrats to Justin, Shane and Hannah for doing much more than your expectations.

Dan, you just did what needed to be done, none of this silly dancing, making faces or making it seem to easy.

If I forgot anybody, I'll get you next time.

Matt Mazzoni said...

Amanda... You were amazing today with the wod...21 rounds (all thrusters). Way to push today Wu-Town; I am sure the same efforts were given in EHT. I am aware of one more inspiring fire-breather preparing to cap off number 3 then its time for another week of more great efforts and keeping the TEAM mentality the number one priority for all of us.

Justin O said...

Nipur thanks for judging me, tough gig! Not sure if it was more then my expectations or just enough to stay alive in the comp. Def not my strong suit, but I promise to work my ass of on that shit ASAP. I've never sand bagged a workout before tdy and I never want to do it again!!!

Great job everyone on week 3!

Justin O said...

Good luck Mark I am sure you will do great!!! Get some!

Hannah said...

Thanks everybody! And congrats to everyone! Nipur, I know your just jel of my dance moves! :P

Amanda said...

Thanks Matt!! You were a great judge n pushed me in the best way w/out getting crazy on me lol!! Thanks again for judging me! I was in the zone like never before and knew I had to produce 20+. I got 21 rounds and I'm sore already! Great efforts by Theresa, Lali, Jen, Sonny, and Dennis!! So proud to call you all my teammates and even better to see us jump in the standings!!!

Incident said...

Great stuff this morning at The OTG!
Nipur: you made the squat clean look like a feather....you were cruising! Great job!
Doug: I agree with Nipur....you tackle them all with such ease!
Justin: Nice effort! You'll be back together soon-take it easy!
Congrats Shane, Tony, Hannah, & Dan.....so glad to have been there to watch! You guys did AWESOME!
More to come...can't wait!
Nikki-thanks for the photos & Leanna: so good to see you as always! Excited to hear your news-congratulations!!!! See you in a couple weeks

Nikki O said...

Well, what can I say? I think it has all been covered by the EHT crew already! You all did amazing.

Doug: You are a machine!
Tony: Strong!
Nipur: Awesome job!
Shane: Way to pull out one last round in the last seconds!!!
Dan: Way to hang tough!
Rick: You did awesome!!
Hannah: You go girl!! Way to exceed your expectations!! And I am jealous of your cool dance moves!!!
Justin: YOU Rock! :)

I uploaded 3 albums to Facebook today. A LOT of pics... I took most in "sports" mode. Gives 25 shots in 10 seconds. Its really cool to click thru and watch the progression. Really shows form come to life. Check 'em out!

Theresa, Amanda, Jen and everyone else in W'town... great job!

Mark: Kick a$$

Lali said...

24 Rnds. Thank you for everyones motivation..

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."

-Lance Armstrong

Anonymous said...

Yayyyy Lali!!! I was wondering when you were gonna post your Fantastic score!! So freakin proud of you:)