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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hold on to what you know is true...

Happy New Year!!!
We wish you amazing gains in your health, wellness and fitness.  Stay true to your path one step at a time and you'll enjoy the walk more than the goal.

Post your 2011 short-term and long-term fitness, nutrition, and wellness goals to comments.






Atlee said...

Don't care about my health, my family, my practice, or my friends. I just want six pack abs. Lol. Happy new year OTG. Look forward to another awesome year of training hard with awesome people. Even you Chris.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year OTG! So glad to have found you this past year. I've achieved so much and I'm so thankful for the support from the coaches and the athletes I workout with who I now consider friends. My goal for the upcoming year is to stay healthy, make better choices when it comes to nutrition, and to go all out and become a better athlete...stepping waaayyyyy out of my comfort zone. I want to hit some PR's this year. I'm actually coming up to my 1 year anniversary in March...can't believe it! Anyway, Happy New Year and enjoy your day! See ya Monday:)

Oh, and Jan 8th, get together at Taylor's in williamstown 730ish!

Joe O said...

Soo according to 2010:

1: Be stronger mentally throughout the WODs, strive to not let them beat me down mentally, only physically!

2: Up my Crossfit Total into the 900s

3: Get my Fran time into the 3 minute range

Oh and it'd be nice to gain some weight and hit 170 ha

1. Not even close, so that's going right up to being #1 again lol

2. Check

3. Check 2 min range

4. I def hit that lol fatty range for a little


1. Repeat

2. Become a better, more knowledgeable coach

3. Become Rob Orlando's stunt double

pcleary said...

1. 6 pack

2. 400 pound dead lift

3. 4 min Fran

4. Body weight snatch

5. 200lb OHSQ

6. 225lb Clean and Jerk

Michelle "Slick #88" said...

The list could be much longer as life and CrossFit are endless opportunities for improvement. Here are my tops for 2011:
1) get a muscle up (carried over from 2010...K-Swat, let's do this!)
2) better O-Lifts;
3) go grain and dairy free;
4) sleep better (that might come after getting rid of #2);
5) connect the mind with the body throughout the day and breathe!;
6) work on repair/recovery with rest, nutrition and movement;
7) keep learning, growing and improving as an individual, teammate and coach...

Looking forward to all the possibilities 2011 has to offer and to creating more memories with my OTG family!

May the New Year bring each of you solutions to your resolutions and the energy, support and enthusiasm you need to get you there!

pcleary said...

I want to hit Whole Foods tomorrow and stock up my cupboard to prepare for Paleo.

Any links, suggestions on what I can stock up on (I'm talking about non-perishables: flour, nuts, seeds, spices, oils, etc.) Any recommendations or links are greatly appreciated. I tried looking around today, and couldn't find a nice, concise list (so far).

Joe O said...



and flour? no..

Justin O said...

First, Happy New Year to everyone at OTG, you guys rock! Thanks again to Stacey, Mark and Nick for creating OTG & all the coaches you guys are awesome! Thanks for pushing us to be better, faster & stronger, after all, that's all of our goal!

Second, thanks Tony & Doug for starting the New Year year off right with me. We got together for a WOD this morning..Tabata, 7 stations, 8rds at each station, 20 sec work, 10 sec rest, one minute rest between stations: 95lb SDHP,Pull Ups, 1.5KB, Squats, ring dips, sit ups,70lb Push Press. We had some clock problems, but crushed it none the less!

Goal for 2011: improve tech & strength on O Lifts..that's all! haha

Mary B-hof said...

Happy New Year, Everyone!!

I have a long list of goals for 2011 but the ones at the top of my list (health/fitness wise) are:
1) work on/improve my squat form. that will open the door to improving so many other movements.
2) unassisted pull ups. already improved so much from my baseline at the end of august and i can't wait for the day i can actually do these bastards on my own.
3) better sleep habits. i am a terrible sleeper.
4) better eating habits. after the past couple of weeks, i'm actually excited to start paleo.

I want to work on my self confidence and improving myself, my times, my habits...be happy with improvements,even the small ones and strive to be better. Met so many fantastic people at OTG who inspire me to work harder every day and I can't wait to see where 2011 takes me!

Higher Order Living said...

Happy New Year to my OTG Family!!

Last year's goals:
1 - OHSQ my BW 15 times (unable to do 1 right now!)

2 - 60 consecutive pull ups (16 to go!)

3 - sub 3 min FRAN (25 sec improvement!)

1 - OHSQ my BW 9 times Thurs. - didn't meet my goal, but have def chipped away at the number..even if I improve 1 rep per month I'd have it in 6 mos!

2 - Haven't tried this since last year...:(

3 - Haven't tried this since last year...:(

New goals for 2011!!

1 - OHSQ my BW (165) 15 times - 6 to go!

2 - Workout at least 3 times a week...serious

3 - 10 Pistols on each leg (can't even do 1!)

I wish you all success in completing your current and future goals. The battle is mental and the culprit is fear. Let's push beyond our thresholds and enjoy happy and healthy experiences one WOD at a time!

pcleary said...

Thanks Joe, that looks good. I am hoping for a spice list too, I hate to run to the store for every recipe.

For flour, I meant like almond flour, flax meal, that kind of thing.

kelli g. said...

This year was a really tough year for me, I lost my Mom in July after a very short and sudden battle with cancer. She was my best friend and too young (54). I was really starting to feel like I was never going to recover from her loss when i found this place. Seriously, OTG, the friends and the support I feel here, have helped me get through these last few months. I have so much to look foward to and you all are a part of that.
1. Work on my weaknesses!!
-jump on a 24" box
-string together 20 unbroken DU's
2. Continue to improve on OLY lifts.
3. Commit to my nutrition plan, no grain, LESS dairy!
4. Get back to working on Endurance...get back in a boat!!
5. Enter another CrossFit competition...and kick ass.

On a personal level
1. Spend more time with my family, and go on a vacation with just my husband!
2. Make a better effort with school. I really do like it...
3. Be less hard on myself.
4. Be the best nurse I can be for both my patients and thier families.
5. Stop worrying so much.

Good luck to everyone on thier goals, and can't wait to see what this year brings!!

Doug said...

Health-Bent has a food stocking list. They also have a ton of great recipes. That site is gonna be huge for me!

Justin and Nikki, thank you so much for today! Well done Tony and Justin on the wod! I'm feelin more sore every hour from that beast.

It was neat looking back on last years goals and I can't believe how quick that year went!

Last years...
-Stop eating like a slob!
-Continue to crush crossfit wod's to the best of my ability!
-Get certified in Crossfit Kids, so I can do it right in P.E class!

While I have definatley been giving it my all in the workouts and consistently hitting four/five a week I have continued to eat like a slob and hold no certifications.

The eating WILL get figured out in the upcoming year, I am sure of that!
I have moved to more of a five year plan with the certs.

New resolutions...
Start meditating!
Work less!

Stepheey said...

Steve and I started Crossfit last Feb. I did take a few months off with surgery but we are almost at a year. I know I have made some improvements since I started but there are a lot of things I haven't even worked at that I really would like to do.. I turned 30 today and decided months ago that this will be my year for many improvements!!!

* Double unders.. I will practice these weekly... I shouldn't be doing singles still.. I will stop saying- I can't do them!

* Nutrition... Eat clean.. Time to lose all the extra pound I gained in my pregnancy.. Time to be happy.

* Just starting to get the kip.. I want to kip more efficiently and get off the bands this year! (and never crack my nose on a bar ever again)

* Improve O lift techniques..

* Grab my wallet and finally register for the endurance certification (but then I couldn't talk to Nick about how I'm going to sign up for it) haha

Looking forward to this year!

Stepheey said...


* lose 15 pounds (try Paleo, clean up diet)

*improve ohsq

*get a muscle up

Nikki O said...

My list could be longer but I will keep it realistic!

1. Be consistent in planning / preparing our weekly meal menu. (when I do this my entire family eats much better and it definitely makes my life easier!)
2. Focus on stretching to improve my flexibility…which will help with…
3. Improving O-lifts.
4. Learn to kip properly…which will allow me to…
5. a) String together unassisted Pull-ups! (I would LOVE to get 5+ by my birthday in June)
6. b) T2B… actually be able to write this on the board instead of T2?!! (haha!)
7. Oh heck, I might as well keep going and say do a DU!

Wow! That is quite a list! I look forward to listing my improvements next year!
Thanks to my husband and everyone at OTG for the encouragement and support!